Traits Genes And Alleles Study Guide
TRAITS, GENES, AND ALLELES Study Guide KEY CONCEPT Genes encode proteins that produce a diverse range of traits. VOCABULARY gene heterozygous phenotype allele genome dominant homozygous genotype recessive MAIN IDEA: The same gene can have many versions. What is the relationship between a gene and a protein? Holt McDougal Biology 8 Meiosis and Mendel Study Guide B Section 4: Traits, Genes, and Alleles Study Guide B continued MAIN IDEA: Genes influence the development of traits. Write an analogy to show the difference between genotype and phenotype.
Genetics Study Guide Unit 5 Current Material 1. Know the meaning of and be able to use the following terms:.
cancer. DNA Microarray. CRISPR. SNP. population. gene pool. allele frequencies.
genotype frequencies. evolution. genetic drift. natural selection. fitness.
inbreeding. mutation 2. What is cancer? Differentiate between the following genes associated with cancer:.
oncogene. tumor suppressor gene. repair gene 3. What is a DNA microarray (chip)?.
ASO. fluorescent tag. use in determining genotype. use in determining gene activity. cDNA. reverse transcriptase. Be able to interpret 4.
At the B.Tech.level, the department offers laboratory and theory core courses covering basic concepts in various sub-disciplines of chemistry (physical, inorganic, organic). In particular, the department is making fundamental contributions to the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Petrochemical Technology and Nanoscience& Technology, which are exploding with the opportunity to impact human health. Organic and bio organic chemistry. Special lectures on varied topic of academic relevance are held under the Extra Mural Lecture series.
What is CRISPR? What is a SNP?. uses. general procedure. given a set of SNP's, find the one most likely associated with trait 6. State the Hardy-Weinberg Principle including the conditions that must be met.
Define p, q, P, H, Q. Given a population and a trait showing incomplete or codominance, calculate allele and genotype frequencies. If AA=34, Aa=42 and aa=12, what are the allele and genotype frequencies. (Answer P =.39, H=.48, Q=.14, p=.63, q=.38) 9. Give a population and a trait with complete dominance, calculate the allele and genotype frequencies. Tongue curling is dominant to not being able to curl tongue.
If a population has 88 curlers and 44 non-curlers, what is the genotype and allele frequencies assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Answer: Q=.333, q=.577, p=.423, P=.179. Given a population and a sex-linked trait, calculate genotype and allele frequencies. If p=.99 and q=.01, what are the genotype frequencies for normal and color-blind. (Answer: Cy =.99, cy =.01, CC =.9801, Cc = 0.0198, cc =.0002) 11.
Given information on a population, be able to calculate P,H,Q,p,q and whether the population is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium e.g. A population of hypothetical insects has genotypes of AA=230, AB=560, and BB=102. Is this population in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? (Answer: P = 0.26, H = 0.63, Q = 0.11, p =.575, q = 0.425, if HW then P = 0.33, H=.49 and Q =.18 so no. Given information on survival rates and/or relative fitness, be able to calculate the effect of natural selection on the population. Assume in the population of insects above that the survival rate of AA individuals is 1.0, AB individuals is.9 and BB individuals are.2.
What is q in the next generation? (Answer: q' = 0.36) 13. Given information about mutation rates, calculate the allele frequency in the next generation. Assume the mutation rate from a normal allele to cystic fibrosis is 1x10^-5 and a small island population has an allele frequency of 1/10,000. What are p and q in the next generation? (Answer: p'=.99989, q' =.00011) 14.
Given information on a population, determine how inbreeding, particularly mating between first cousins, increases the risk of inheriting a rate genetic trait. In the hypothetical island population above, what is the chance that individuals that mate at random will produce a child that is cystic fibrosis? What is the chance of producing a child with the disease if a mating occurs between first cousins?
(Answer: random 0. Cousins 0.000000625) 15. Given information on a population, be able to determine the effects of migration. Assume a population has 100 black lizards, 200 gray lizards and 100 white lizards. Determine the population statistics before and after 50 white lizards leave the population. (Answer: before P=.25, H=.5, Q=.25, p =.5, q =.5 after P =.286, H =.571, Q=.142, p =.5715, q =.4275) 16.
Be able to calculate the probability of a certain genotype in DNA fingerprinting. Activity 22 17. Know some examples of genetic diseases - causes, symptoms, inheritance Review Material 1. Know the meaning of and be able to use the following terms. trait.
gene. allele.
haploid. diploid. locus.
homozygous. heterozygous. dominant. recessive.
phenotype. genotype.
6.4 Study Guide Traits Genes And Alleles Key
epistasis. chromosome. chromatid. centromere.
karyotype. cytokinesis. polyploidy. aneuploidy.
mutation. replication. transcription. translation. enzyme. transposon. recombination.
polygenic trait. operon. metabolic pathway.
Single Allele Trait
cancer. polymerase chain reaction. DNA fingerprint. gel electrophoresis 2. Know the following scientists and their major contribution to genetics:. Hardy-Weinberg.
Watson and Crick. Avery et al. Hershey and Chase. Mendel.
McClintock. Wilkins and Franklin. Kary Mullis. Frederick Sanger 3. Be able to do the following problem types:. chi-square test.
cross with complete dominance. test cross. calculate probability of a certain type of offspring. two trait cross, not linked. cross with codominance.
cross with incomplete dominance. cross with lethal genotype. cross with multiple alleles.
sex-linked cross. cross with epistasis. cross with linked traits. mapping of linked traits (calculate% cross-over and then map) 4. Distinguish between classical, cytological, molecular and population genetics.
Know how to construct and read a pedigree. Be able to distinguish between a pedigree for a dominant trait, recessive trait and sex-linked trait. Be able to describe/diagram mitosis. Be able to describe/diagram meiosis, particularly the starting cell, the cell after replication, the cells after the first division and the cells after the second division. Also be able to show what happens to genes in each stage. A PROBLEM LIKE THIS WILL BE ON THE EXAM!!!
Diagram a cell that is Aa. Diagram a cell that is AaBb with A linked to B and a to b. Diagram a cell that is Aabb in which genes are on separate chromosomes. Be able to recognize or describe the following abnormalities a. Duplication c. Translocation 9. Draw the structure of DNA including the correct parts and orientation of nucleotides.
THIS WILL BE ON THE EXAM!!! Be able to describe the processes of replication, transcription and translation. Be able to describe the structure of proteins. Be able to describe in general how mutations affect DNA and proteins. Be able to draw the lac and trp operons, and explain how they operate in the presence and absence of lactose or tryptophan and how a mutation can affect the operation and whether products will be produced. Last Updated: July 20, 2018.