Anna University Bio Organic Chemistry Lab Manual
Department of Chemistry The department of Chemistry located at College of Engineering, Guindy campus of Anna University, Chennai provides an outstanding environment for studies in Chemistry, is among the most research active departments in Anna University. One of our key objectives is to create good quality human resource. It was established in the year 1975 to pursue teaching, research, consultancy and impart training programmes in different fields of Chemistry. Since its inception the Department offers core courses in chemistry like M.Sc (Applied Chemistry) and Ph.D programs. In addition, Applied Chemistry courses for the various B.E. Programs are being offered by the Department. (Chemistry) program was started in 1980 and M.
The Organic Chemistry II laboratory text section encompasses a multistep synthesis project specifically designed to leverage the techniques and instrumentation expertise acquired by students.
(Polymer Science and Engineering), as an inter-disciplinary program, in 1995. The faculty members in the Department are actively involved in research in thrust areas such as polymer chemistry, Heterogeneous and biocatalyst, analytical chemistry/environmental analytics, corrosion, nano chemistry and theoretical chemistry, which are quite naturally located alongside the classic core chemistry subjects inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. About 120 Ph.D. Scholars (Full-Time & Part-Time) are pursuing research in these thrust-areas. The department is recognized by DST, CSIR, UGC- CPEES, DRDO, BRNS, AERB, ISRO / RESPOND, MOEF, AICTE, etc., A sum of Rs.7.5 crores has been mobilized in the last 3 years. The department has two Instrumentation laboratories with the state-of-art analytical equipments such as ICP-AES, GC, GC-MS, HPLC, DRS - UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, TPD and TPR, IR, FTIR, TOC, TGA and UTM. Powder XRD equipment and an exclusive computer laboratory are on the anvil under the DST-FIST assistance programme.
The faculty members have international research collaborations and have collectively published nearly 750 research papers in internationally reputed journals. The academic staff of the department comprising of three Professors, two Associate Professors, six Assistant Professors and eight Teaching Fellows and 7 administrative staff. Many faculty members undergo PDF programme in foreign universities to update their knowledge in the current area of research. The faculty members periodically present research papers at National and International Conferences and Seminars, both within the country and abroad. Many of the faculty members have authored reference books, book chapters and text books on Engineering Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Practical Chemistry. Senior members of the Faculty are also members in the academic bodies of other Universities and autonomous colleges. Scholars and PG students are actively participating and presenting their research works in conferences/seminars.
- Biology Chemistry Physics. Reviewed by Anna Manukyan, Assistant Professor, Hostos Community Collge of CUNY on 3/28/18. The organic lab manual provides detailed and comprehensive material of. State University, Chico in 2001 and a Master's degree in organic chemistry from Stanford University in 2003.
- Biochemistry Laboratory Manual Chemistry Department Peru State College Peru, NE 68421. Bio-Rad 30 Sept 29 Size Exclusion Column Chromatography 30. University of Bristol. The crystal structure of the cofactor NAD (blue) and an inhibitor.
Organic Chemistry 2 Lab Manual
The research findings are published in journals of high repute. Thermal arc pak 7xr. Scholars are well placed within the country and abroad. The department is periodically organizing Summer / Winter programmes, continuing education programmes, refresher courses etc. To bridge the gap between industrialists and academicians.