
Ef Johnson 53sl Manual

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. OPERATING MANUAL DIGITAL/ANALOG MOBILE RADIO 5300 S ERIES OBILE ADIO APCO Project 25 Conventional APCO Project 25 Trunked ® ® SMARTNET /SmartZone Analog FM Conventional 700/800 MH Part No. 242-53xx-xxx December 2004 Part Number: 002-5300-010CD Supersedes: 002-5300-009; 5/04. The company designs, manufactures, and markets conventional and trunked radio systems, mobile and portable subscriber radios, repeaters, and Project 25 digital radio products.

MANUAL 5300 SERIES MOBILE RADIO. Radio service manual or contact the E.F. Johnson Company as follows. CONTACT INFORMATION For additional information on exposure requirements or other information, contact the E.F. Johnson Company at the following address or telephone number. View and Download E.F. Johnson Company 5300 SERIES operating manual online. DIGITAL/ANALOG MOBILE RADIO. 5300 SERIES Portable Radio pdf manual download.

EFJohnson is a wholly owned subsidiary of EFJ, Inc. Your NOTICE: This radio is intended for use in occupa- EFJohnson two-way radio has a RF exposure product label. Tional/controlled conditions, where users have full Also, your EFJohnson user manual, or product manual,. 50-110 watts 1.5 meter RF exposure guidelines, and may violate FCC regula- tions. For a list of EFJohnson approved accessories, refer to the radio service manual or contact the E.F. Johnson MOBILE ANTENNAS Company as follows. Install antennas at the center of the roof or the center of.

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION Home Zone-Channel Select.19 Power Output Select. 19 Alert Tone Select. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D) P25 Unit Calls.33 Site Trunking.49 P25 Conventional Telephone Calls. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D) SECURE COMMUNICATION Keysets. 64 Crypto Groups. and some operating modes are optional. See the Monitor mode selectable by option switch.

EFJohnson product description and Sections 8 and 9 Time out penalty and conversation timers. for further details. Dual priority channel sampling when scanning (analog and digital channels). GENERAL. Predefined status conditions (up to 8) can be sent to Emergency alarms to alert a dispatcher of a dispatcher emergency conditions. Dynamic regrouping (dispatcher can automatically Emergency calls for high priority system access. gather users on a channel to receive a message) Failsoft operation on a predefined conventional.

CONTROLS AND DISPLAY SECTION 2 CONTROLS AND DISPLAY PTT Switch PTT Switch Six Option Six Option Microphone Microphone Switches Switches Display Display Multi-function Multi-function Indicator Indicator On-Off/ On-Off/ Select Select Speaker Speaker Volume Volume Switch Switch Figure 2-1 Front Panel Controls 2.1 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS NOTE: This indicator is disabled when the Surveillance mode is programmed (see Section 4.9). CONTROLS AND DISPLAY DC Power Connector Optional Remote Control Antenna Accessory Unit Connector Connector Connector Figure 2-2 Rear Panel Connectors Scan Edit Telephone/Special Encryption Mode Call Channel 10-Character Alphanumeric Display Zone Status Chnl Display Figure 2-3 Front Panel Display 2.2 REAR PANEL CONNECTORS Siren Control (Not Shown) - An optional yellow/ orange connector similar to the accessory jack for DC Power - Connection point for the nominal 12-volt.

CONTROLS AND DISPLAY Channel Number - Indicates the currently selected - Indicates a telephone (interconnect) call has channel (conventional) or talk group (other modes). Been initiated. Status Display - These two characters indicate the - Indicates that voice encryption is enabled or that following status information: an encrypted call is being received.

GENERAL OPERATION SECTION 3 GENERAL OPERATION. 3.1 TURNING POWER ON AND SETTING If a conventional channel is selected, take the micro- VOLUME phone off-hook and if someone is talking, voice may be heard. If the MON (Monitor) option switch is 3.1.1 POWER ON/OFF programmed (see Section 5.3 on page 25), pressing it unsquelches the radio and either voice or back. GENERAL OPERATION password must also be entered whenever program- Channel Select Indicator ming data is read or written using the PCConfigure Zone Select Indicator software.

If this password is lost, all personality infor- mation must be erased using the PCTune software and the radio reprogrammed. GENERAL OPERATION For direct selection purposes, channels are the highest programmed zone is displayed and vice numbered sequentially starting with the lowest zone. For example, if Zone 1/Channel 5 is the Each zone can be programmed with up to 16 channels, highest programmed channel, wrap-around occurs so Zone 1 channels are numbered 1-16, Zone 2 chan- after Zone 1/Channel 16 is displayed.

GENERAL OPERATION 3.7.2 CONVENTIONAL MODE include roaming (SmartZone only), telephone, private, ™ and emergency calls, Call Alert, and messaging. This is a non-trunked operating mode which Either analog or digital signaling may be used. Accesses independent radio channels. There is no auto- matic access to several channels.

GENERAL OPERATION SmartZone operation, the control channel data rate Conventional Analog Mode - A channel selects a is 3600 baud (both digital and analog calls) and the specific radio channel, Call Guard (CTCSS/DCS) narrowband digital voice data rate is 9600 baud. Squelch coding, and other parameters unique to that channel. RADIO WIDE FEATURES SECTION 4 RADIO WIDE FEATURES Table 4-1 Programmable Option Switch Functions Available in Mode: Suggested See Descript.

Function Key Label in Section: Conv. Proj 25 Trk SMARTNET SmartZone TONES Alert tones On-Off BKLHT Backlight On-Off ALERT Call Alert Select RESP Call Response Select 6.5.4. RADIO WIDE FEATURES 4.1 OPTION SWITCHES holding this switch until a tone sounds makes the currently selected zone the new Home zone. The radio NOTE: For descriptions of the functions controlled by is also programmed so that either the home or last these switches, refer to the section of this manual selected zone/channel is automatically selected when referenced in the last column of Table 4-1. RADIO WIDE FEATURES 4.6 POWER TURN-OFF DELAY vehicle ignition switch. When it is enabled, “HORN ON” is briefly displayed, and when it is disabled, The radio can be installed so that the vehicle igni- “HORN OFF” is briefly displayed. It defaults to the tion switch as well as the front panel power switch of off mode whenever power is turned on.

RADIO WIDE FEATURES is required. The External PA option switch is required conventional channel is selected, only conventional to control this feature. Channels are scanned and likewise for SMARTNET/ SmartZone and Project 25 trunked channels. In the public address mode, microphone audio is always routed to the PA system, and the radio can be For more information on scanning functions in programmed so that receive audio is also routed. RADIO WIDE FEATURES may contain up to 16 channels of any type assigned to selected, or receive channel (if applicable). Refer to any zone (see Section 4.12.2).

Radio wide scanning is Section 5.11 for more information. Turned on and off by the RWS option switch as follows. RADIO WIDE FEATURES 4.12 SCAN LISTS SMARTNET/SmartZone/P25 Trunked Operation - The scan list can be temporarily 4.12.1 PRIORITY MODE SCAN LISTS changed if the Scan (List) Select option switch is programmed. Refer to Section 6.12.3 for more General information. NOTE: The selected channel is always scanned. Editing a Priority Scan List If the SCN ED (Scan Edit) option switch is A scan list is simply the channels that are scanned.

RADIO WIDE FEATURES channel(s), the next press of the Select switch makes the current channel the priority channel indicated by “P” in the left status display next to the zone number. If dual priority channels are used, pressing the Select switch again makes it the second priority Scan List Indicator Chnl channel indicated by “2”. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES SECTION 5 CONVENTIONAL FEATURES 5.1 INTRODUCTION disabling Call Guard squelch (or group ID detect on P25 channels). This is usually done by selecting the An overview of the conventional operating mode Monitor Mode (see following) or by the Normal/ is located in Section 3.7.2. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES 5.4 BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT 5.5.2 CALL GUARD SQUELCH ENABLE/ DISABLE The Busy Channel Lockout (also called Transmit The SEL SQ option switch (if programmed) can Disable on Busy) feature automatically disables the transmitter if the channel is busy when the PTT switch be used to disable receive Call Guard squelch on is pressed.

CONVENTIONAL FEATURES data scheme used. The number specified when the the selected position is used for analog channels and code is programmed is actually a seed for a special the NAC code for the selected position is used for P25 algorithm used to generate the 23-bit data word. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES mission as with the time-out timer. The following is 5.10.1 INTRODUCTION more information on this timer.

Emergency Alarms and Calls are separate func-. It can be programmed for times up to 7.5 minutes. Tions that can be individually enabled or disabled on. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES 3. When the emergency alarm is acknowledged by the Placing an Emergency Call dispatcher, “ACK RCVD” is briefly displayed and the emergency acknowledge tone (two beeps) 1. If required, select a channel of a system on which Emergency Calls are enabled and press the EMER sounds. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES then becomes the default list for all conventional chan- mine if priority sampling occurs and also the channel nels in that zone (it overrides the system program- on which transmissions occur while scanning.

Refer to ming). This slave feature is programmed on the Edit the next section for more information on priority Zone screen. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES analog channel on the same frequency as the priority Lookback Time B - This time determines how often channel and is programmed with CTCSS/DCS squelch the priority channel is checked once an incorrect Call control. Guard (CTCSS/DCS) or NAC code is detected. Since it takes much longer to detect an incorrect Call Guard Either a single or dual priority.

channels can be signal than a carrier, this time should be relatively long. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES NAC may need to be transmitted by your radio for Post-Tx ANI - A preprogrammed ANI sequence is them to receive your call (see Sections 5.5 and 5.16.3). Automatically sent each time the PTT switch is released. Placing a Standard Conventional Call When an emergency alarm or call is placed, this 1. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES receive the call. A call is received on a channel if a default talk group). Change the talk group assigned to selected or scanned channel is programmed with that a channel as follows: ID and the correct NAC is detected (see following).

Group IDs can be any number from 0-65,535. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES Ringing occurs for 20 seconds or until the call is telephone keypad. More information on how to do this answered, whichever occurs first. When a unit ID call is received, two beeps sound (if Access/De-Access Codes tones are enabled), and “Call Rcvd”.


CONVENTIONAL FEATURES 3. If using the front panel controls, enter the telephone Answering a Page number by rotating and pressing the Select switch.

The 0-9, #, and P (pause) characters can be 1. When a page is received, five beeps sound and entered (# is displayed as a “+”). CONVENTIONAL FEATURES “NO ACK” is displayed 6 seconds after the PTT 5.16.10 P25 PACKET DATA switch is pressed. Auto exit then occurs. P25 packet data transmission capability is avail- 5.16.8 MESSAGING able with later model. 5300 mobiles. A DATA option switch must be programmed to toggle the data mode The messaging feature.

allows preprogrammed on and off. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES Keypad programming allows conventional 5.17.3 ZONE PASSWORD channel parameters such as the transmit and receive frequency, Call Guard squelch code, and encryption NOTE: Make sure that the zone password(s) are not key to be changed.

In addition, several conventional lost because they cannot be overridden in the field. CONVENTIONAL FEATURES channels by rotating that switch. When the desired parameters are unique to the type of conventional channel is displayed, select it by pressing the Select channel selected (analog or Project 25). NOTE: If a mixed mode channel is selected, both the 5.17.6 SYSTEM PARAMETERS Rx Code (analog) and Rx NAC (P25) which follow can be programmed.

CONVENTIONAL FEATURES TX POWER - Selects the desired power output level. (PID) or 1-16 (SLN) is selected (see Section 11.2.3). If Rotate the Select switch to scroll through the no keys are programmed, “No Keys” is displayed.

Following choices. When the desired setting is displayed, store it by pressing the Select switch.

SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES SECTION 6 SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES 6.1 INTRODUCTION 3. Press the PTT switch and begin talking. An optional talk permit tone may sound to indicate when talking An overview of the SMARTNET/SmartZone and can begin. Other indications that may occur are as P25 trunked operating modes is located in Section 3.7. SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES.

channel (with scanning disabled). When the selected List only - Unit IDs can be selected from a prepro- channel is programmed with both Talk and Announce- grammed list only (direct entry as follows is not ment groups, only the Talk and Announcement group allowed). SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES the ringing but not the call. When the call is Direct Entry Using Front Controls or HHC Keypad answered, the voice of the called party is heard. Press and hold the Private Call option key until a.

SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES 6.5.4 RECEIVING A PRIVATE CALL (ALL 6.6.2 PLACING A TELEPHONE CALL TYPES) Recalling From A List 1. When a private call or unit call is received, “CALL RCVD” is displayed and the call tone sounds once.

Ef johnson 53sl manual

With a SMARTNET/SmartZone channel selected, momentarily press the PHONE option switch. SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES Each time the PTT switch is released, a go-ahead 6.7 CALL ALERT tone is sent to the landside party to indicate when they can respond. Huskystar 215 price. To dial a number after the The Call Alert™ feature allows pages to be sent connection is made, press the PTT switch and dial and received. SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES Initiating a Page 6.9 SENDING STATUS CONDITIONS 1. With a SMARTNET/SmartZone or P25 trunked The status feature allows you to manually or channel selected, momentarily press the ALERT automatically send your current status to your option switch. The tag (alias) of the last ID called is dispatcher.

SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES 1. Global (radio wide) emergency channel number of attempts have been made.

Emergency group of the selected channel gency alarm mode is exited when radio power is 3. Talk group of the selected channel cycled, the channel is changed, or by pressing and 4. SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES.

press the PTT switch and begin speaking as with a Scanning is turned on and off by the SCAN option standard call. Talk groups (channels) can be programmed so that scanning automatically starts whenever the 3.

SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES 6.12.3 SCAN LIST EDITING AND SELECTION Otherwise, if the lock mode was not specified, the selected talk group can be manually changed and the SMARTNET/SmartZone and P25 Trunked scan previous talk group is reselected if power is cycled. If lists are user programmable if the SCN ED option a locked regroup command is received, the displayed switch is programmed. SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES 1.

Assume that you have attempted to place a call and To scroll through the other programmed sites, press and hold the SEARCH option switch while the system was busy (“BUSY” displayed and busy tone sounded). “Site xx” or “RSSI xx” is displayed. If site lock is on when site search is entered (see following), the radio 2. SMARTNET/SMARTZONE/P25 TRUNKED FEATURES attempt communication on another system or by some of up to 30 seconds in finding a new site. This could other means. Occur if there are no valid sites for the new talk group in the dynamic site list. 6.14.7 P25 WIDE AREA SCAN P25 Wide Area Scan Introduction.

MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 7 MISCELLANEOUS. 7.1 SUPERVISORY TONES The message that was sent has not been acknowl- edged (page 45). Single Beep (Alert Tone) The status condition that was sent has not been acknowledged (page 45).

Power was turned on and a successful power-up sequence occurred (see “Turning Power On and Five Beeps (Recurring) Setting Volume”. MISCELLANEOUS 7.2 ERROR MESSAGES channel grant before the busy time-out timer has expired The following are definitions of the various error messages that may be displayed. Disabled - The selected channel is disabled.

Aff Failed - A group affiliation attempt has received a Clear Only - The selected channel or group is FAILED response from the system. MISCELLANEOUS Invald Key - The key pressed by the user was not No Service - OTAR service is not available. Valid for the current situation. No Site - No site with a verified ID is yet on the Invld Ch - The channel entered by the user in keypad dynamic site list. MISCELLANEOUS ming performed by your system operator when the vehicle running while transmitting. This ensures that radio was set up, not to any programming that a user optimum power is being delivered to the radio and that can perform. If a feature is controlled by a front panel the battery does not become discharged.

Ef Johnson 53sl Manual

DETERMINING AVAILABLE OPTIONS SECTION 8 DETERMINING AVAILABLE OPTIONS. 8.1 GENERAL DTMF Keypad support (5100 only). Zonefail site lock This manual describes the operation of all features that are currently available for the 5300 radio.

1 AES encryption is available only with ARM code 1.20.0 or later (and all 2.0/3.0/4.0 versions). DETERMINING AVAILABLE OPTIONS Examples SMARTNET Analog and Digital Operation with Encryption The following are examples of items that need to be checked to program various optional features: P25 Options - Digital SMARTNET/SmartZone Encryption Options - DES Securenet and DES- P25 Conventional Operation with DES Encryption and OTAR Trunking Options - SMARTNET Trunking P25 Options - Digital Conventional, Conventional. SECTION 9 5300 MOBILE FIRMWARE VERSIONS 9.1 GENERAL SEM Version - This version uses Version 2.x firm- ware and has the EFJohnson SEM (Security There currently is, or soon will be, four different Encryption Module) soldered to the board.

It is firmware versions in use in 53xx radios. PASSWORD DESCRIPTION SECTION 10 PASSWORD DESCRIPTION 10.1 NEW PASSWORD ENHANCEMENTS earlier radio models, an earlier version of the PCCon- figure software must be used.

It is programmed using 10.1.1 INTRODUCTION the “Password at Power Up” function on the Global screen. A new enhanced password feature is now avail- able for 5100 portables and 5300 mobiles. PASSWORD DESCRIPTION 2. With earlier versions of PCTune, after starting the 10.3.2 DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD PASSWORDS PCTune program, press SHIFT CTRL E to toggle the following Erase EEPROM function (otherwise it Separate Download (write) and Upload (read) is grayed and not selectable). Then Select Radio passwords can be programmed to prevent unautho- Erase EEPROM.

It uses a 128-, 192-, or 256-bit encryption key current channel is programmed to allow switch selec- instead of the 64-bit key used with DES. EFJohnson tion, secure communication can be manually enabled radios currently support only 256-bit AES keys. The and disabled by that switch.

Ef Johnson 53sl Es Manual

IDs in order to decrypt it. Periodically replaced or updated. With the AES and DES encryption used by EFJohnson radios (see Section 11.1.2), the same 11.2.3 PID/SLN KEY MANAGEMENT MODES encryption key is used by both the encrypting (sending) and decrypting (receiving) radio. SLN Mode - The SLN mode must be selected is either another key for the current channel. This feature OTAR (Over-The-Air-Rekeying) or the EFJohnson changes the PID (hardware location) of the key, and System Management Assistant (PDA keyloader) is the change is permanent (cycling power or selecting a used.

SECURE COMMUNICATION (ENCRYPTION). There is a programmable option on the Radio Wide transmit a Secure message on a channel strapped screen to sound a beep whenever a secure call is Secure because all that happens is transmitting is received on a clear channel.

Ef Johnson 53sl Es Manual

Disabled, an error tone sounds, and “Sec Only”. The active keyset is usually selected by the Key sends Key Management Messages (KMM) to the Management Facility.

It can also be selected by the EFJohnson SMA keyloader or by the user if the KY radios. These messages are themselves encrypted CHG option switch is programmed. Automatic keyset using a unique key. SECURE COMMUNICATION (ENCRYPTION). 11.4.2). However, only two keysets are typically used Deleting all keys (zeroize) when a radio may be lost as just described.

Crypto groups are used to help or compromised. manage keys such as when a radio uses keys with Determining if a radio is on the air and reading key different active times or multiple algorithms.

Only one keyset and software which provide OTAR and related key in a crypto group is active at a time. EFJohnson radios management services to the subscriber units. Currently support only one crypto group. Encryption Key (KEK) which is used to encrypt keys used to load encryption keys. All keys stored in the contained in Key Management Messages. TEKs can key loader are themselves encrypted.

EFJohnson be either the AES or DES type. Offers a PDA-based keyloader. PCConfigure programming. Motorola RNC Registration (If Required) Currently, EFJohnson 5100 portables and 5300 mobiles that meet the following requirements support The 5100/5300 may not support Motorola OTAR: dynamic data registration. Therefore, each radio may. SECURE COMMUNICATION (ENCRYPTION) 3. KMF RSI - This RSI is normally 9,999,999 and KEYSET CHANGEOVER 0x05 should not need to be loaded since it defaults to this KEYSET CHANGEOVER RESPONSE 0x06 number.

DELAYED ACK 0x07 HELLO 0x0C 4. MNP (Message Number Period) - Load the proper INVENTORY 0x0D message number period into the radio (typically.

SECURE COMMUNICATION (ENCRYPTION) Key Select - This allows a different key to be selected Rekeyed! - The rekey session initiated by the radio for the current channel or group (conventional chan- was successful. Refer to Section 11.2.5 for more information. INDEX INDEX Numerics Display View Angle Adjust Displaying Frequency Key Encryption Key 5300 Versions Dynamic Regrouping Key ID Key Loader Key Management Facility AES Encryption Keypad Programming Emergency Alarms (Conv) Algorithm Keyset Emergency Alarms (SN/SZ) Algorithm ID Keyset Changeover Emergency Calls Alias Emergency Calls (Conv) Alphanumeric Display. INDEX HORN Power On-Off Speaking Into Microphone KY CHG (Keyset Change) Power Output Select Squelch Adjust KY CLR (Erase Keys) Power Turn-Off Delay Squelch Code Select KY SEL (Key Select) Power-Up Password Squelch Control Priority Calls Standard Calls LOCK (Site Lock) Conv Placing (Conv) MON (Monitor). Part Number 002-5300-010CD 12-04 Printed in U.S.A.