
Biology Study Guide Genetic Disorders Answers

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  1. Biology Study Guide Answers
  2. Human Genetics Study Guide

Name: Date: Biology Unit 8 Study Guide: Genetics 8-1 1. Wh at is he re di ty? The passing of traits from parents to offspring 2.

Wh o w as Gr eg or Me nd el? The first to develop rules to accurately predict patterns of heredity 3. What o rgani sm di d Mende l use to per form his e xperim ents? The pea plant 4. Tru e/Fal se: Mende l actually re peated the exper iments of anot her scient ist, T. List the t hree reason s th at Me ndel c hose the p ea pl ant. The pea plant has man y traits that have two forms that are easy to tell apart Mating of the plants can be controlled Peas are small, they grow easily, mature quickly, and produce many offspring 6.

This article gives the lowdown on genes, genetic disorders, and new research. People, Places & Things That Help Feelings Expert Answers Q&A Movies & More. To understand how genes work, let's review some biology basics. The entire human genome (all of the genetic material on a living thing's chromosomes),.

Biology Study Guide Answers

A cross with o ne pair of contra sting trait s is kn own as a Monohybrid cross 7. In the firs t step of his exp erimen t Mendel all owed the plan ts to -. Thi s was important because it produced plants. This generation is known as the generation. Self-pollinate, true breeding, P 8. In the second s tep of his expe riment, Mendel -.

The off spri ng of the P generation are known as the generation. Cross-pollinated, F. Name: Date: 14. What is a dominant allele? What is a r ecessive allele? A dominant allele is the allele that is completely expressed.

A recessive allele is not expressed when a dominant allele is present. What is homozygous?

What is homozygous dominant? Homozygous recessive? When the two alleles of a gen e are the same in an individual. What is h eterozy gous? When two alleles of a gene are different. What is g enoty pe? The set of alleles of an individual.

What i s phen otype? The physical appearance expressed b y the alleles. What is the Law of S egrega tion? T wo alleles of a trait separate when gametes are formed. What is the Law of Independent Assortment? Alleles of different genes separate independently of one another du ring gamete formation. 8-3 and 8-4 21.

Manuals for yamaha breeze. What is a P unnett S quare? A diagram that predicts all the possible gamete combinations in a cross 22.

If the phenotype is dominant but the genotype is unknown what ty pe of cross would y ou perform? Testcross 23. What is probabi lity?

The likelihood that a specific event will occur. What is a po lygen ic trai t? When several genes influence a trait 25. What is inc omplet e dominanc e? If intermediate traits between the two parents are expressed, 26. What i s codom inance?

When both traits are displayed. When do es a ge ne have multi ple al leles?

Genes with three or more alleles? In cats, long hair is recessive to short hair. A true-breeding (homozygous) short-haired male is mated to a long-haired female. What will their kittens look like? All Ll; all short haired 29.

Jones both have widow’s peaks (dominant). Their first child also has a widow’s peak, but their second child doesn’t.

Jones accuses Mrs. Jones of being unfaithful to him. Choose one letter to represent the allele for curly feathers and straight feathers. Writ e out the genotypes of ea ch parent below: X c. List the gametes for each parent: and Show all work for full credit. What are the chances of the offspring having curly feathers?

Human Genetics Study Guide

What are the chances of the offspring having straight feathers? 1 / 2 Patterns of Heredity (8-4 cont) 31. What i s a pe digree? A family history that shows how a trait is inherited over several g enerations. What a re car riers? Heterozygous individuals that don’t show symptoms of the disorder they are carrying 33.


What are aut osomal t raits? Traits that are found on the autosomes (body chromosomes found in males and females) 34. What are sex- linked tra its? Traits that appear only on the X-chromosome 35. Why are males more likely to display a sex-linked trait?

Because they only have one X chromosome. What is the cause of genet ic disord ers? Mutations Questions 38. Refer to the following diagram.